
Bloomingville Holzinstrumente Set Driss

Mehr von Bloomingville
Holz, Brown (82049942)
CHF 57.50
CHF 16.00
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Bloomingville Holzinstrumente Set Driss
Bloomingville Holzinstrumente Set Driss

Bloomingville Holzinstrumente Set Driss

The Driss Musical Instrument by Bloomingville MINI is a set of 3 amazing percussion instruments. The musical instruments have a lovely and sweet pattern of summervibes and will definately bring a smile to the home. The instruments are both really decorative and functional at the same time and fits in any children's home.

Produktmasse: D 15 x L 14,5/7,5 x H 4/5 x W7 cm

Material: Sperrholz, Lotus, Buchenholz, Metall

Empfohlenes Alter: +12 Monate


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