
Bloomingville Holzspielzeug Wald

Mehr von Bloomingville
Holz, Nature (82049944)
CHF 49.30
CHF 14.00
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Bloomingville Holzspielzeug Wald
Bloomingville Holzspielzeug Wald

Bloomingville Holzspielzeug Wald

The Jonn Toy by Bloomingville MINI is a set of 7 items made of Lotus wood and in nice nature colors. It includes 4 mushrooms, a nut, a strawberry and a ladybug will secure hours of play. Pick up a basket and go mushroom hunting. It comes in a nice giftbag made of cotton.

Produktmasse: D 11 x H 11 cm

Material: Lotus Wood

Empfohlenes Alter: +12 Monate


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